Multiple Fare Per Itinerary(MFPI)
Multiple Fare Per Itinerary(MFPI)機能は、各旅程に対して最大10個の付加運賃を取得することができる機能です。
通常のBargain Finder Maxでは、1旅程に対して1種類の運賃を提供しますが、Multiple Fare Per Itinerary(MFPI)機能は、1回の検索で1旅程に対して複数の運賃を取得することができるため、多彩な運賃表示を可能にし、複数の運賃提案や高価格帯運賃の同時表示による販売機会創出・販売促進にご利用いただけます。

- ・公示運賃指定
- ・プライベート運賃指定
- ・キャビンクラス指定(または強制指定)
- ・アカウントコード指定(または強制指定)
- ・旅客種別指定(または強制指定)
- ・ペナルティ情報表示指定
- ・FareBasis指定
- ・ブランドID指定
- ・無料預け入れ手荷物指定
- ・無料機内持ち込み手荷物指定
- ・ブッキングクラス指定
MFPI機能をご利用の際は、Bargain Finder Maxリクエストにハイライト部分を入力します。
旅程: TYO-SIN(単純往復)
Main運賃(青色): Yクラス 旅客種別:ADT 1名
付加運賃(黄色): Cクラス 旅客種別:ITX 1名
選択<OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ xmlns="" ResponseType="GIR" ResponseVersion="X.X.X" Version="X.X.X" AvailableFlightsOnly="true">
<Source PseudoCityCode="XXX6">
<RequestorID ID="1" Type="1">
<CompanyName Code="TN" />
<OriginDestinationInformation RPH="1">
<OriginLocation LocationCode="TYO" />
<DestinationLocation LocationCode="SIN" />
<TPA_Extensions />
<OriginDestinationInformation RPH="2">
<OriginLocation LocationCode="SIN" />
<DestinationLocation LocationCode="TYO" />
<TPA_Extensions />
<TravelPreferences ValidInterlineTicket="false">
<VendorPref Code="YY" PreferLevel="Unacceptable" />
<CabinPref PreferLevel="Preferred" Cabin="Y" />
<XOFares Value="true" />
<JumpCabinLogic Disabled="true" />
<KeepSameCabin Enabled="true" />
<ExcludeCallDirectCarriers Enabled="true" />
<Cabin Type="C" />
<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ITX" Quantity="1" />
<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1" />
<TPA_Extensions />
<RequestType Name="50ITINS" />
<CompressResponse Value="true" />
選択<GroupedItineraryResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" Version="X.X.X">
<Message Severity="Info" Type="WORKERTHREAD" Code="TRANSACTIONID" Text="1212413778834780382" />
<Message Severity="Info" Type="SERVER" Code="ASE032LPSCIL651.ATSE.CERT.ASCINT.SABRECIRRUS.COM" Text="27031" />
<Message Severity="Info" Type="DRE" Code="RULEID" Text="18403" />
<Message Severity="Info" Type="DEFAULT" Code="RULEID" Text="27962" />
<Statistics Itineraries="50" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="1" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3324" ElapsedTime="430">
<Departure Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="11:10:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="17:20:00+08:00" Terminal="0" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="637" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="637">
<Equipment Code="77W" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="2" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="440">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="22:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="06:30:00+09:00" Terminal="3" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="NH" MarketingFlightNumber="844" Operating="NH" OperatingFlightNumber="844">
<Equipment Code="789" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="3" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3324" ElapsedTime="440">
<Departure Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="18:10:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="00:30:00+08:00" Terminal="1" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="NH" MarketingFlightNumber="801" Operating="NH" OperatingFlightNumber="801">
<Equipment Code="789" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="4" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="415">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="17:05:00+08:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="01:00:00+09:00" Terminal="3" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="630" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="630">
<Equipment Code="359" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="5" Frequency="*M*W**S" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="235">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="16:40:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="20:35:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="711" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="711">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="6" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3324" ElapsedTime="425">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="09:25:00+08:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="17:30:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="12" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="12">
<Equipment Code="77W" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="7" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1858" ElapsedTime="255">
<Departure Airport="MNL" City="MNL" Country="PH" Time="19:00:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="00:15:00+09:00" Terminal="3" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="PR" MarketingFlightNumber="424" Operating="PR" OperatingFlightNumber="424">
<Equipment Code="321" TypeForFirstLeg="N" TypeForLastLeg="N" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="8" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1842" ElapsedTime="300">
<Departure Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="10:40:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Arrival Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="14:40:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="501" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="501">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="9" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1842" ElapsedTime="295">
<Departure Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="18:30:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Arrival Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="22:25:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="505" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="505">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="10" Frequency="S*TWTF*" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="255">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="20:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="00:25:00+08:00" Terminal="1" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="636" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="636">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="11" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="420">
<Departure Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="17:05:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="23:05:00+08:00" Terminal="0" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="633" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="633">
<Equipment Code="359" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="12" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="420">
<Departure Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="22:55:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="04:55:00+08:00" Terminal="0" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="635" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="635">
<Equipment Code="77W" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="13" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3324" ElapsedTime="430">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="08:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="16:20:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Carrier Marketing="JL" MarketingFlightNumber="712" Operating="JL" OperatingFlightNumber="712" Alliances="OW ">
<Equipment Code="767" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="14" Frequency="S*TWTF*" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="240">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="14:25:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="18:25:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="735" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="735">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="15" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1842" ElapsedTime="265">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="15:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="20:35:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="500" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="500">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="16" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="430">
<Departure Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="11:30:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="17:40:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="JL" MarketingFlightNumber="37" Operating="JL" OperatingFlightNumber="37" Alliances="OW ">
<Equipment Code="789" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="17" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="420">
<Departure Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="00:40:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="06:40:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="NH" MarketingFlightNumber="843" Operating="NH" OperatingFlightNumber="843">
<Equipment Code="789" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="18" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1842" ElapsedTime="265">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="09:05:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="14:30:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="504" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="504">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="19" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="415">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="22:50:00+08:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="06:45:00+09:00" Terminal="3" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="636" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="636">
<Equipment Code="77W" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="20" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1893" ElapsedTime="290">
<Departure Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="13:40:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Arrival Airport="MNL" City="MNL" Country="PH" Time="17:30:00+08:00" Terminal="2" />
<Carrier Marketing="PR" MarketingFlightNumber="427" Operating="PR" OperatingFlightNumber="427">
<Equipment Code="321" TypeForFirstLeg="N" TypeForLastLeg="N" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="21" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="734" ElapsedTime="145">
<Departure Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="08:40:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="GMP" City="SEL" Country="KR" Time="11:05:00+09:00" Terminal="I" />
<Carrier Marketing="OZ" MarketingFlightNumber="1055" Operating="OZ" OperatingFlightNumber="1055">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="22" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="2862" ElapsedTime="390">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="22:40:00+08:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="ICN" City="SEL" Country="KR" Time="06:10:00+09:00" Terminal="1" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="OZ" MarketingFlightNumber="752" Operating="OZ" OperatingFlightNumber="752">
<Equipment Code="359" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="23" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1842" ElapsedTime="305">
<Departure Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="14:50:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Arrival Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="18:55:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="527" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="527">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="24" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="420">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="21:50:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="05:50:00+09:00" Terminal="3" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="JL" MarketingFlightNumber="36" Operating="JL" OperatingFlightNumber="36" Alliances="OW ">
<Equipment Code="789" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="25" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="430">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="11:00:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="19:10:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Carrier Marketing="NH" MarketingFlightNumber="842" Operating="NH" OperatingFlightNumber="842">
<Equipment Code="789" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="26" Frequency="***W***" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="230">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="20:45:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="00:35:00+08:00" Terminal="1" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="715" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="715">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="27" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="230">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="01:40:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="05:30:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="659" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="659">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="28" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="415">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="08:00:00+08:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="15:55:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="632" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="632">
<Equipment Code="359" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="29" Frequency="*****F*" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="265">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="09:45:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="14:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="658" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="658">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="30" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="415">
<Departure Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="02:05:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="08:00:00+08:00" Terminal="0" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="639" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="639">
<Equipment Code="359" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="31" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1474" ElapsedTime="225">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="10:30:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="MNL" City="MNL" Country="PH" Time="14:15:00+08:00" Terminal="2" />
<Carrier Marketing="PR" MarketingFlightNumber="502" Operating="PR" OperatingFlightNumber="502">
<Equipment Code="321" TypeForFirstLeg="N" TypeForLastLeg="N" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="32" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1474" ElapsedTime="220">
<Departure Airport="MNL" City="MNL" Country="PH" Time="19:30:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="23:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="PR" MarketingFlightNumber="509" Operating="PR" OperatingFlightNumber="509">
<Equipment Code="321" TypeForFirstLeg="N" TypeForLastLeg="N" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="33" Frequency="SMT*TF*" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="245">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="01:45:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="05:50:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="714" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="714">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="34" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3287" ElapsedTime="420">
<Departure Airport="HND" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="09:15:00+09:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="15:15:00+08:00" Terminal="0" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="631" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="631">
<Equipment Code="77W" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="35" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3324" ElapsedTime="430">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="06:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="14:20:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="NH" MarketingFlightNumber="802" Operating="NH" OperatingFlightNumber="802">
<Equipment Code="789" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="36" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="787" ElapsedTime="140">
<Departure Airport="ICN" City="SEL" Country="KR" Time="09:00:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="11:20:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="OZ" MarketingFlightNumber="102" Operating="OZ" OperatingFlightNumber="102">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="37" Frequency="***W***" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="235">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="15:15:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="19:10:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="635" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="635">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="38" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3324" ElapsedTime="435">
<Departure Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="19:00:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="01:15:00+08:00" Terminal="0" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="11" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="11">
<Equipment Code="77W" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="39" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="3324" ElapsedTime="425">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="23:55:00+08:00" Terminal="3" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="08:00:00+09:00" Terminal="1" DateAdjustment="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="SQ" MarketingFlightNumber="638" Operating="SQ" OperatingFlightNumber="638">
<Equipment Code="77W" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="40" Frequency="SMTWTFS" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1842" ElapsedTime="265">
<Departure Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="01:20:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="NRT" City="TYO" Country="JP" Time="06:45:00+09:00" Terminal="2" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="524" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="524">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="41" Frequency="**T**F*" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="1587" ElapsedTime="260">
<Departure Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="08:00:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="HKG" City="HKG" Country="HK" Time="12:20:00+08:00" Terminal="1" />
<Carrier Marketing="CX" MarketingFlightNumber="710" Operating="CX" OperatingFlightNumber="710">
<Equipment Code="333" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
<ScheduleDesc ID="42" Frequency="S*TW*F*" Stops="0" ETicketable="true" TotalMilesFlown="2862" ElapsedTime="380">
<Departure Airport="ICN" City="SEL" Country="KR" Time="16:10:00+09:00" Terminal="1" />
<Arrival Airport="SIN" City="SIN" Country="SG" Time="21:30:00+08:00" Terminal="3" />
<Carrier Marketing="OZ" MarketingFlightNumber="751" Operating="OZ" OperatingFlightNumber="751">
<Equipment Code="359" TypeForFirstLeg="W" TypeForLastLeg="W" />
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<Tax Ref="13" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
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<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="17" />
<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="17" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
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<FareComponent Ref="19">
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<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="17" />
<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<FareComponent Ref="10">
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Leg Ref="40" />
<Leg Ref="1" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Leg Ref="15" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Leg Ref="23" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
<OBFee Ref="1" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
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<Leg Ref="1" />
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<Tax Ref="16" />
<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="20" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="6" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="9" />
<Tax Ref="5" />
<Tax Ref="26" />
<Tax Ref="8" />
<Tax Ref="19" />
<Tax Ref="29" />
<Tax Ref="29" />
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<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
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<Tax Ref="18" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
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<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="13" />
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<Tax Ref="20" />
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<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
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<Tax Ref="17" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
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<Tax Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
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<Tax Ref="34" />
<Tax Ref="17" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="10" />
<TaxSummary Ref="17" />
<TaxSummary Ref="11" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
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<Leg Ref="17" />
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<Tax Ref="14" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="3" />
<Tax Ref="3" />
<Tax Ref="15" />
<Tax Ref="4" />
<Tax Ref="1" />
<Tax Ref="32" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="1" />
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<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
<Tax Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<FareComponent Ref="2">
<Segment BookingCode="P" CabinCode="C" MealCode="M" SeatsAvailable="9" AvailabilityBreak="true" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="7" />
<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
<Tax Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Leg Ref="28" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
<Tax Ref="11" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
<Tax Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
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<Tax Ref="14" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
<Tax Ref="11" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="9" />
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<Leg Ref="35" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="36" />
<Tax Ref="2" />
<Tax Ref="33" />
<Tax Ref="30" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="13" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
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<Tax Ref="14" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="13" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="3" />
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<Tax Ref="24" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="36" />
<Tax Ref="2" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="13" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
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<Tax Ref="24" />
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<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
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<Leg Ref="12" />
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<Tax Ref="24" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="36" />
<Tax Ref="2" />
<Tax Ref="33" />
<Tax Ref="30" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="13" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="3" />
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<Tax Ref="25" />
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<Tax Ref="24" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="36" />
<Tax Ref="2" />
<Tax Ref="33" />
<Tax Ref="30" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="13" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
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<Tax Ref="22" />
<Tax Ref="24" />
<Tax Ref="24" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="36" />
<Tax Ref="2" />
<Tax Ref="33" />
<Tax Ref="30" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="13" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="3" />
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<Tax Ref="25" />
<Tax Ref="24" />
<Tax Ref="24" />
<Tax Ref="7" />
<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="23" />
<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="36" />
<Tax Ref="2" />
<Tax Ref="33" />
<Tax Ref="30" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="13" />
<TaxSummary Ref="15" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
<TaxSummary Ref="3" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
<Tax Ref="11" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
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<Tax Ref="14" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
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<TaxSummary Ref="7" />
<TaxSummary Ref="16" />
<TaxSummary Ref="4" />
<TaxSummary Ref="5" />
<TaxSummary Ref="8" />
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<Leg Ref="15" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
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<Tax Ref="10" />
<Tax Ref="14" />
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<Tax Ref="12" />
<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="31" />
<Tax Ref="18" />
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<Tax Ref="28" />
<Tax Ref="27" />
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旅程: TYO-SIN(単純往復)
Main運賃(青色): Yクラス 旅客種別:ADT 1名
付加運賃(黄色): Cクラス 旅客種別:ITX 1名
"OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ": {
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"DepartureDateTime": "2022-03-01T00:00:00",
"OriginLocation": {
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"RPH": "0"
"DepartureDateTime": "2022-03-06T00:00:00",
"OriginLocation": {
"LocationCode": "SIN"
"DestinationLocation": {
"LocationCode": "TYO"
"RPH": "1"
"POS": {
"Source": [
"PseudoCityCode": "XXX6",
"RequestorID": {
"CompanyName": {
"Code": "TN"
"ID": "1",
"Type": "1"
"TPA_Extensions": {
"IntelliSellTransaction": {
"RequestType": {
"Name": "50ITINS"
"TravelPreferences": {
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"Code": "ITX",
"Quantity": 1
"TravelerInfoSummary": {
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"Version": "4"
"groupedItineraryResponse": {
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